Dubbing It Studio 1 Style
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The Aggrovators were one of Jamaicas finest session bands, many of the tracks you know and love from the 70s Reggae scene probably featured this group of musicians in some shape or form. The band were put together by BunnyStrikerLee , one of Jamaicas formidable producers, who with no studio of his own had to rely on buying studio time from the existing establishments, such as Randys Studio or Channel 1. The updating of Studio 1 classics which in some cases were reworkings of American R&B tunes was common practice. The rhythms were much loved favourites and with the added incentive that the musicians knew the tracks inside out. This set of dubs are straight from the master tapes of such sessions orchestrated by the man Bunny Lee himself, no one knew betteryou cant keep a good tune down never mind a great one.. Tracklisting Track 1 The Search For Dub Track 2 IM Still In Love With You Track 3 AinT That Loving Dub Track 4 Mean Girls Dub Track 5 Let Him Dub Track 6 Not Just Another Dub Track 7 Happy Go Lucky Dub Track 8 Come To Dub Track 9 ItS Raining Dub Track 10 The Dub Conquerer Track 11 Live&Learn Dub Track 12 Undying Dub Track 13 Dancing Mood Of Dub* Track 14 Riding In A Dub Groove* *CD Bonus Tracks
Catalogue Number: JRCD005Format: CD
Artist: Aggrovators
Release Date: 01 November 2024
Genre: Reggae
Label: Jamaican Recordings
Distributor: MGM Music